Dear School Friends and Families
Time for a random student survey. Question: What has gone really well for you this week?
· Fraser: “I am enjoying doing maths. I am getting good at adding up numbers”
· Ryan: “I am getting a lot better at my times tables”
· Ashleigh: “I like making friends. We made up our own dance and songs”
· Sarah: “I am making a broomstick at Reading time!”
· Shreesti: “It was fun going out to lunch for getting my Silver Award. I had chicken tenders”
· Sylas: “I’m really enjoying Writing. I’ve been writing about Pet Day”
· Xanthe: “My Writing has been going well. I wrote about Dad’s birthday”
· Grace: “I’ve been enjoying our Chapter Chat book. It’s really interesting to find out what’s happening next”.
Looking forward to our Conservation Study field trips next week. Thanks to all of you who have been able to offer your help with transport and supervision. These trips will provide rich learning experiences for the children, and parent support is much appreciated, as otherwise they couldn’t happen.
We are also seeking help with quashing the spring growth madness around our grounds! A combination of recent rain and warmth has seen grass and weeds take off, and we’d like to give the grounds a big ‘hit’ to set up manageable ongoing maintenance over the summer.
WHAT: School Grounds Working Bee
WHEN: Saturday, November 23rd, 1.00 pm
Many hands will make light work. General garden tools would be useful to bring, and if you have a weed eater that you’re happy to bring that would be appreciated. We would also like to get our Shade Sails up that day if possible.
Congratulations to Tayla Clearwater and Shreesti Sunar who have earned their Silver Gotcha Awards this week, and to Zakylah Hyde who has earned her Bronze.
Have a good weekend (only 20 school days left … who made the hole bigger in the hour glass?!).
Have a good weekend. Ka kite ano,
Andrew Watson
Lumsden Values SILVER AWARD Winners
Tayla and Shreesti, Silver Award recipients, having earned 40 Gotchas so far this year.
Lumsden Values BRONZE AWARD Winner
Zakylah with her Bronze Award Certificate, having earned 20 Gotchas so far this year.
Friends of Lumsden School will be having their last meeting for the year on Thursday November 21st at 7.30 pm in the staffroom. Please feel welcome to join us, share your ideas and join us for a drink and a nibble. NB: Please note date is incorrect in Lumsden Light.
Nga Mihi nui
Bible in Schools Donations
Donations towards the cost of books for the children who attend Bible in Schools would be much appreciated. The approximate cost for each child is $7.50. Please send any donations along to school in a named envelope. We can then forward these on to the LBK Presbyterian Church who provide the books. Thanks to those families who have already paid.
Financial Contribution for Term 4
The Board of Trustees respectfully ask for financial donations from each family to the value of $100 per child for the first two children and $70 for the third per annum.
We ask that you pay $25 per child (for the first two) and $17.50 for the third child for the fourth term now. Alternatively you may wish to pay the full annual donation as a lump sum. Please make payment to the office at school or directly into the school bank account 030960-0112624-00 (child/ren’s name as reference).
Thanks to those families who have already paid your support is much appreciated.
School Lawns Roster
We have an alphabetical roster set up of all the school families for mowing the school lawns so each family only gets a turn once every couple of years. If the date doesn’t suit please contact the school and we can swap as necessary. Thanks for your support with this.
Here are the guidelines to follow (if you have any queries please contact the school office):
· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school behind the sports container (container closest to carpark).
· Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the upcoming weeks is:
16/17 November Hyde Family
23/24 November Jiwan Family
Camp Dunedin 2019
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Learning Hui (formerly called 3-way Conferences)
This notice only applies to parents of Year 3 – 6 children (Rooms 1, 2 and 3) as Year 1 – 2 children are now on an anniversary reporting cycle, and their 3-way conferences align with the timing of these throughout the year.
The staff welcomes you and your child along on Tuesday 3rd December and Thursday 5th December to discuss your child’s progress. This is an opportunity to discuss in detail your child’s attainment, attitudes and future learning needs. You will receive a written report prior to the interview.
Opportunity will be given to discuss/clarify aspects of your child’s learning. Interviews will begin at 3.15pm. Each interview will last 15 minutes. We would appreciate your co-operation in observing this timeframe. You are welcome to arrange another time to discuss issues in more depth. NB: There will not be interviews after 5.00 pm on Thursday. Please indicate below your day/time preference and the staff member/members you would like an interview with.
Please return this form before Wednesday 27th November.
We will confirm your appointment on Friday 29th November.
Kind Regards
Andrew Watson