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AbsencesIf your child is away from school please notify us either by: Texting the school phone 027 399 6143 Using the Hero App Emailing a message to Visiting or phoning the office
Annual ReportView here. Or there is a PDF format link at the top of the page.
AssemblyAssembly is held in Room 2/3 every Friday at 2.30pm. The children present class items, school and sports reports, as well as singing. Everyone is most welcome to attend.
Board of TrusteesMonthly Board meetings are held on Tuesday evenings in week 3 and 9 each term. WHO ARE YOUR BOARD MEMBERS? Trish Gill (Presiding Member), Angela Reid, Noortje Hamers, Rebecca Dawkins, Amy Priest, Ziggy Roy (Staff Rep.), Ang Sheat (Principal).
Bus RoutesFor all information regarding school buses please go to Our bus controller is Ang Sheat. As a courtesy we ask parents to contact the bus driver if their child is off the bus in the morning.
Friends of Lumsden SchoolFriends of the School is a parent group supporting all aspects of school life. Formalities are kept to a minimum with sub committees often working on specific tasks. These include—Grounds, Fundraising, Education, Catering and Social. We invite families to indicate which sub group they would like to be involved in at the beginning of each year.
PoliciesSchool Docs We have signed up to the School Docs platform, along with around 2000 other NZ schools. School Docs is an online policy platform for schools. Our SchoolDocs site contains policies and procedures that are specific to Lumsden School and can be accessed by the whole school community. SchoolDocs updates, modifies or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Each term we will have policies that need to be reviewed. As a parent, you can be part of this process by: Logging into the School Docs site: Username: lumsden Password: community Clicking on the Parents’ Quick Links Tab to find any of our policies, or click on Current Review Tab to have your input into the Lumsden School Policies. Once you have clicked on the Current Review Tab, you can choose which Policy you wish to review and click on it. Then click the Start your review button and follow the prompts.
HERO AppFor instant messaging to all parents, the school will send out messages via the HEROApp (e.g. in event of school closure due to snow, alerts and reminders) which you will receive via your phone. If you would be unable to receive these messages, e.g. you have cellphone reception issues, please contact the school so that you can be added to a separate phone list. To download this free App, from your mobile device go to the App Store (iPhone/iPad) or Google Play (Android) search for HERO and download the App to your phone. Make sure you agree to push notifications. Once HERO has finished installing, open the App, type Lumsden School in the search.
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